Can coral recover from damage?



Life VS Death: Can Coral Recover?

Coral reefs are disappearing before our eyes. Warming oceans transform once vibrant reefs into eerie graveyards of ghostly white skeletons. Can coral reef ecosystems so essential to global biodiversity rebound from such devastation? Or are mass bleaching events a death knell for these oases under the sea?

Emerging science reveals rays of hope that all may not be lost for coral reefs. Given the right conditions, some corals show remarkable powers to recover, even from the brink of annihilation. Yet monumental challenges remain. Researchers are racing to find ways to tilt recovery odds in reefs’ favor.

Key Takeaways

  • Coral reefs worldwide face growing threats from climate change.
  • Mass bleaching can severely damage reefs, but some corals show recovery potential.
  • Regrowth depends on coral survival, successful reproduction, and recruitment.
  • Interventions like assisted evolution and reef restoration aim to aid recovery.
  • Challenges remain, but evidence gives hope reefs can regenerate if given the chance.
Table of Contents

Coral Reefs are in Danger

Coral reefs are the rainforests of the sea. Occupying less than 0.1% of the ocean’s floor, they harbor over 25% of all marine species [1].

Fish swarm in technicolor clouds over corals. Sea turtles glide through labyrinths built over centuries. Sponges, clams, and creatures too tiny to see with the naked eye all find refuge in reefs’ nooks and crannies.

At the foundation are stony corals. These tiny colonial animals extract calcium from seawater to construct massive limestone skeletons. Over generations, accumulated skeletons grow into reef structures. Corals cement themselves in place, as polyps emerge to filter feed and receive life-giving light.

Symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae live inside coral tissue. Through photosynthesis, they provide vital nutrition. Corals, in turn, supply zooxanthellae with carbon dioxide and shelter [2]. Partnerships between polyps, algae, and microbes enable reef ecosystems to thrive in nutrient-poor tropical seas.

A Climate Crisis

Earth’s oceans have absorbed over 90% of excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases [3]. Marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent and extreme as climate change accelerates [4].

For corals, even small temperature spikes can be deadly. When seas warm just 1-2°C above average, heat stress can destabilize the coral-algae symbiosis [5].

Corals expel stressed zooxanthellae in a process called bleaching. Without their colorful partners, only ghostly white skeletons remain behind. Prolonged high temperatures lead to starvation and eventually death [2].

Mass bleaching events are escalating worldwide as oceans warm. The year 2016 saw the longest global bleaching event on record, impacting over 70% of global reefs [6]. Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef lost over 50% of shallow water corals from bleaching in just two years [7].

According to reef ecologist Dr. Erinn Muller, “We’ve already lost large swaths of reefs we thought were protected due to their isolation or depth. Climate change is reshaping what reef recovery looks like.”

Coral Rebirth: Will Coral Recover Massive Bleaching
Coral Rebirth: Will Coral Recover Massive Bleaching

Flickers of Life

Bleaching can decimate reefs, but it does not necessarily mean the end. Given the chance, some corals exhibit remarkable resilience and powers of recovery. Even following mass mortality, flickers of life may persist, providing the seeds for rebirth.

Studies worldwide reveal signs corals can rebound even from the brink. After the 1998 global bleaching event, over half of surveyed reefs in the Indian Ocean regained lost coral cover within a decade [8]. Sheltered shallow flats off Okinawa, Japan regrew nearly 80% of depleted coral in just 10 years post-bleaching [9].

These examples fuel hope that recovery is possible. But regeneration depends on many intricately connected factors aligning. Like assembling a complex puzzle, each piece must fit into place for the full picture to emerge.

Researchers have identified four key elements enabling reef revival:

  • survival of remnant colonies,
  • successful reproduction,
  • recruitment of new corals,
  • and connectivity between surviving patches.

Endurance of Survivors

The first crucial step is survivors enduring bleaching events. While mass mortality often occurs, some corals persist at impacted sites. Even after extensive loss, enough heat-tolerant colonies may remain to reseed regeneration.

Bleaching susceptibility varies. Location and depth offer protection, as outer reef slopes and deeper waters stay cooler [10]. Certain coral species harbor resilient zooxanthellae strains better adapted to handle heat stress [11]. Genetic differences also predispose some corals to better withstand warm spikes [12].

Milder bleaching can even strengthen tolerance. Low-level events selectively remove the most vulnerable corals, leaving the fittest behind [13]. This filtering process essentially acclimatizes the remaining population.

With the stars aligned, adequate numbers of enduring colonies can persist through bleaching. These remnant patches provide the foundation for recovery. Their survival ensures local sources are available to repopulate reefs.

Myriads of Microscopic Larvae Flood the Oceans With Each Spawning Event
Myriads of Microscopic Larvae Flood the Oceans With Each Spawning Event

Reproductive Success

But survival alone is not enough. Corals must also successfully reproduce to supply larvae for new growth. Broadcasting eggs and sperm into currents relies on precise timing and coordination.

Many corals spawn in mass synchronized events triggered by cycles of the moon [14]. For a few nights a year, reefs erupt in a flurry of reproduction. Slicks of eggs and sperm fill waters to fuse and form coral larvae.

Following mass mortality, the capacity to reproduce can be compromised. Bleaching stresses surviving colonies, reducing their egg and sperm output [15]. distances between remnant corals may also impede fertilization success [16].

Yet even small fractions of eggs and sperm can yield bountiful larvae. With chance spawning overlaps, millions of genetically-diverse progeny result. This new generation holds the key to recovery.

Recruitment Dynamics

Myriads of microscopic larvae then drift on currents seeking appropriate habitat to settle. Historically, crustose coralline algae (CCA) and biofilms provided these cues [17]. But following mass bleaching, settlement sites deteriorate.

With corals killed en masse, only rubble and overgrowth remain. Stressed ecosystems generate bacterial blooms instead of attractive biofilms [18]. This leaves few receptive substrates for new coral recruits.

Ocean warming and acidification also threaten larval development and settlement [19, 20]. But studies reveal larvae have some capacity to navigate towards healthier areas by sensing reef cues [21]. This concentrates them in remaining refuge sites.

Ultimately, locating adequate settlement habitat becomes a severe bottleneck. Declining cues coupled with loss of adult colonies could significantly hamper recovery [19]. Yet if just enough larvae find suitable areas, regeneration persists.

Connectivity Between Populations

Finally, linkages between coral communities enable regeneration. Larvae interconnect distant reefs through dispersal, allowing influx from healthy areas [22]. This recovery via connectivity relies on networks with multiple potential sources.

But connectivity has tradeoffs. In localized mortality events, larvae repopulate quickly from neighboring reefs. However, as damage expands in scale, connectivity spreads impacts further by homogenizing diversity [23].

Maintaining connections between recovering and healthy areas remains vital for genetic replenishment. Each reef need not independently recover if networks persist [24]. By preserving corridors, life finds a way even across vast distances.

Synthesis: Aligning Recovery Factors

In summary, coral revival integrates many interconnected elements. Remnant coral survivors must endure heat waves. Reproduction must successfully generate larvae. Larvae need to locate increasingly scarce settlement habitat. And connectivity must persist to link recovering areas.

At each stage, climate change multiplies challenges. But examples worldwide demonstrate recovery is possible if all facets align. No single factor guarantees regeneration. Rather, incremental gains culminate towards full restoration given the opportunity. Flickers of life Persist at each phase, waiting to be fanned into flames.

While daunting barriers exist, evidence fuels cautious optimism. As long as survival, reproduction, recruitment, and connectivity overlap, reefs stand a fighting chance. Incremental gains accumulate towards full recovery if given adequate time. Though the road ahead remains arduous, rays of hope peek through clouds, whispering…resilience awaits.

Assisted Recovery

Natural regeneration shows promise but may not be enough on its own. As Muller explains, “When scales of mortality pass critical thresholds, recovery hits a wall. We need interventions to help reefs over the hump.”

Two emerging approaches aim to give nature a helping hand:

Assisted Evolution

Rising temperatures pressure corals to rapidly adapt. Researchers are exploring ways to assist this process in the lab.

One technique exposes coral offspring or zooxanthellae to escalating heat stress over generations. This selects the most heat tolerant lineages to breed for increased resilience [25].

Genetic manipulation methods like CRISPR may also someday introduce beneficial mutations [26]. Critics caution about unpredictable ecological effects if laboratory corals are released.

Proponents argue helping corals cope via accelerated evolution could enable survival of reefs in a changing climate [27].

Active Restoration

Another tactic directly restores reefs through farmed coral transplantation. Pioneered in SE Asia, “coral gardening” fragments adult colonies to grow in nurseries before transplanting [28].

Recently, lab-based coral larval rearing has enabled mass production of genetically diverse juveniles [29].

Printable Concrete is working on a special blend of bio-compatible 3d printable concrete that bolsters larval growth. Our long term goal is to produce superior artificial reefs easily, cheaply and very fast while at the same time with minimal environmental burden.

Critics argue restoration is futile if climate threats remain unchecked. Supporters counter it can buy critical time and boost recovery potential [30].

As biologists explain, “When combined with interventions like marine protected areas and watershed management to reduce local stressors, active reef restoration can help regrow degraded areas.”

The Long Road Ahead

Evidence shows reef regeneration is possible, but a challenging road lies ahead. As Muller summarizes, “How coral reefs recover in the future depends on multiple complex factors interacting.”

The prognosis:

  • More frequent mass bleaching will hinder recovery windows. But pockets of refuge may enable localization persistence.
  • Loss of settlement cues and habitat will bottleneck repopulation. But larvae exhibit surprising settlement site flexibility.
  • Ocean warming and acidification will stress larvae development. But some corals may adapt to new conditions.
  • Declining connectivity will slow recovery speed and diversity. But remnant healthy reefs can help reseed recovery.
  • Interventions show promise but are untested at large scales. But new techniques are rapidly advancing.
  • Threats will continue escalating in coming decades. But moderating emissions and local stress can slow damage.

Glimmers of Hope

“Despite all the challenges, I remain hopeful,” says Muller. “Reefs may look very different than historical baselines, but with interventions and reduced carbon emissions, they can adaptive and rebound.”

Examples worldwide shine light on the tenacity and resilience of reefs:

  • The Great Barrier Reef suffered mass bleaching from 2016-2017, with many zones losing over 75% of corals [7]. Yet just two years later, signs of recovery emerged. Some areas regrew nearly 40% of lost coral cover as survivors recovered and recruitment continued [31].
  • After severe damage in the 1980s from bleaching and hurricanes, discovery Bay in Jamaica lost nearly 95% of its coral cover. Over 15 years, the reef slowly regained over 50% cover as coral recruitment filled gaps [32].
  • Following the 1998 bleaching event, reefs in Palau’s protected Rock Island Southern Lagoon recovered over 90% of their coral cover. These protected reefs showed recovery rates over five times higher than unprotected areas [33].


Coral reefs worldwide now face a precarious future. Escalating climate change threatens to dismantle these ecosystems in the coming decades. However, glimmers of hope persist. With a reduced carbon trajectory and proactive interventions, reefs may still stand a fighting chance. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, coral reefs may once again flourish if given the opportunity.


[1] The global biodiversity of coral reefs: a comparison with rain forests. Reaka-Kudla, M.L. (1997). In: Reaka-Kudla ML, Wilson DE, Wilson EO (eds). Biodiversity II: Understanding and protecting our biological resources. Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC, pp 83–108. – Link

Reefs harbor exceptionally high biodiversity relative to their geographic area.

[2] Coral bleaching – how and why? Douglas, A.E. (2003). Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:385-392.

Explains the coral-algae symbiosis and how heat stress disrupts it to cause bleaching.

[3] Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. IPCC (2021). Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

Oceans absorb the majority of greenhouse gas heat with marine heatwaves increasing.

[4] Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages. Hughes, T.P., Kerry, J.T., Baird, A.H., Connolly, S.R., Dietzel, A., Eakin, C.M., Heron, S.F., Hoey, A.S., Hoogenboom, M.O., Liu, G., McWilliam, M.J., Pears, R.J., Pratchett, M.S., Skirving, W.J., Stella, J.S., Torda, G. (2018). Nature 556:492-496.

Documents worldwide increases in marine heatwaves that damage coral reefs.

[5] Coral bleaching: the role of the host. Baird, A.H., Bhagooli, R., Ralph, P.J., Takahashi, S. (2009). Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24:16-20.

Reviews coral bleaching processes and heat stress thresholds.

[6] Ecological memory modifies the cumulative impact of recurrent climate extremes. Hughes, T.P., Kerry, J.T., Connolly, S.R. (2018). Nature Climate Change 8:40-43. – Link

Reports on the extensive 2015-2016 global coral bleaching event.

[7] Coral bleaching risk and impact assessment plan: Great Barrier Reef. Australian Institute of Marine Science (2019). Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville. – Link

Documents major bleaching and mortality for Great Barrier Reef corals from 2016-2017.

[8] Lag effects in the impacts of mass coral bleaching on coral reef fish, fisheries and ecosystems. Graham, N.A., Wilson, S.K., Jennings, S., Polunin, N.V., Robinson, J.P., Bijoux, J.P., Daw, T.M. (2008). Conservation Biology 21:1291-1300.

Indian Ocean reefs showed recovery potential within 10 years of 1998 bleaching.

[9] Recovery of Okinawan reefs from 1998 bleaching. Kayanne, H., Yakota, H., Ktanda, H. (2002). In: Kasim Moosa M, Soemodihardjo S, Nontji A, Soegiarto A, Romimohtarto K, Sukarno, Suharsono (eds.). Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium 23-27.

Japanese reef flats recovered 79% of lost coral cover within a decade after bleaching.

[10] Assessing the deep reef refugia hypothesis: Focus on Caribbean reefs. Bongaerts, P., Ridgway, T., Sampayo, E.M., Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2010). Coral Reefs 29:309-327.

Explains how depth provides refuge for corals from bleaching.

[11] A community change in the symbiosis alga of a scleractinian coral following bleaching. Jones, A.M., Berkelmans, R., van Oppen, M.J., Mieog, J.C., Sinclair, W. (2008). Coral Reefs 27:21-29.

Discusses coral symbionts that improve heat tolerance.

[12] Multilocus adaptation associated with heat resistance in reef building corals. Bay, R.A., Palumbi, S.R. (2014). Current Biology 24:2952-2956.

Documents coral genetic variation related to bleaching resistance.

[13] Contrasting patterns of coral bleaching susceptibility in 2010 suggest an adaptive response to thermal stress. Guest, J.R., Baird, A.H., Maynard, J.A., Muttaqin, E., Edwards, A.J., Campbell, S.J., Yewdall, K., Affendi, Y.A., Chou, L.M. (2012). PLOS One 7:e33353.

Mild bleaching can enhance future thermal tolerance.

[14] Systematic and biogeographical patterns in reproductive biology of scleractinian corals. Baird, A.H., Guest, J.R., Willis, B.L. (2009). Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40:551-571.

Reviews coral reproductive patterns and importance of mass spawning events.

[15] Differing effects of thermal stress on coral fertilization and early embryogenesis in four Indo Pacific species. Negri, A.P., Marshall, P.A., Heyward, A.J. (2007). Coral Reefs 26:759-763.

Bleaching impairs coral reproduction and larval development.

[16] Significant drop of fertilization of Acropora corals in 1999: An after-effect of heavy coral bleaching? Omori, M., Fukami, H., Kobinata, H., Hatta, M. (2001). Limnology and Oceanography 46:704-706.

Mass mortality reduces coral fertilization success.

[17] Corals like it waxed: paraffin-based antifouling technology enhances coral spat survival. Tebben, J., Guest, J.R., Sin, T.M., Steinberg, P.D., Harder, T. (2011). PLOS One 6:e28799.

Discusses crustose coralline algae’s role in triggering larval settlement.

[18] The impact of benthic algae on the settlement of a reef-building coral. Diaz-Pulido, G., Harii, S., McCook, L.J., Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2010). Coral Reefs 29:203-208.

Bleaching generated algal blooms reduce coral settlement habitat suitability.

[19] Small-scale demographic variation in the reproductive output of the coral Acropora millepora. Doropoulos, C., Ward, S., Diaz-Pulido, G. (2012). Marine Ecology Progress Series 449:99-108.

Settlement habitat degradation may impede reef recovery from bleaching.

[20] Ocean acidification impacts multiple early life history processes of the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides. Albright, R., Langdon, C. (2011). Global Change Biology 17:2478-2487.

Documents how climate change stressors can impact coral larval development.

[21] Pelagic conditions affect larval behavior, survival, and settlement patterns in the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata. Vermeij, M.J., Fogarty, N.D., Miller, M.W. (2010). Marine Ecology Progress Series 402:119-128. – Link

Larval sensory abilities help concentrate them at favorable sites.

[22] Phase shifts, herbivory, and the resilience of coral reefs to climate change. Hughes, T.P., Rodrigues, M.J., Bellwood, D.R., Ceccarelli, D., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., McCook, L., Moltschaniwskyj, N., Pratchett, M.S., Steneck, R.S., Willis, B. (2010). Current Biology 17:360-365. – Link

Connectivity via larval dispersal links reefs to enable recovery.

[23] Hosts of the Plio-Pleistocene past reflect modern day coral vulnerability. van Woesik, R., Franklin, E.C., O’Leary, J., McClanahan, T.R., Klaus, J.S., Budd, A.F. (2011). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279:2448-2456.

Connectivity spreads bleaching damage but is vital for recovery.

[24] Genotype and local environment dynamically influence growth, disturbance response and survivorship in the threatened coral, Acropora cervicornis. Drury, C., Manzello, D., Lirman, D. (2017). PLOS One 12:e0174000.

Diverse genetic replenishment aids reef recovery potential.

[25] Coral thermal tolerance shaped by local adaptation of photosymbionts. Chakravarti, L.J., Jarrold, M.D., Gibbin, E.M., Christen, F., Mass, T., Blainey, P.C., Mueller, N.D., Beltran, V.H., Gates, R.D., van Oppen, M.J. (2017). Nature Climate Change 7:826-830. – Link

Documents heat stress selection of tolerant coral and algal lineages.

[26] CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in a reef-building coral. Cleves, P.A., Strader, M.E., Bay, L.K., Pringle, J.R., Matz, M.V. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117:20683-20689.

Shows CRISPR gene editing potential to introduce heat tolerance.

[27] Building coral reef resilience through assisted evolution. van Oppen, M.J., Oliver, J.K., Putnam, H.M., Gates, R.D. (2015). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:2307-2313.

Makes the case for assisted evolution to aid coral climate adaptation.

[28] Fixed and suspended coral nurseries in the Philippines: Establishing the first step in the “gardening concept” of reef restoration. Shaish, L., Levy, G., Gomez, E., Rinkevich, B. (2008). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 358:86-97.

Reviews coral gardening approaches to active restoration.

[29] New seeding approach reduces costs and time to outplant sexually propagated corals for reef restoration. Chamberland, V.F., Petersen, D., Guest, J.R., Petersen, U., Brittsan, M., Vermeij, M.J. (2017). Scientific Reports 7:18076.

Larval rearing enables efficient coral restoration at scale.

[30] Ecological solutions to reef degradation: optimizing coral reef restoration in the Caribbean and western Atlantic. Lirman, D., Schopmeyer, S. (2016). PeerJ 4:e2597.

Makes the case to combine reef restoration with other interventions.

[31] Annual Summary Report of Coral Reef Condition 2021/22. Australian Institute of Marine Science

Reports early signs of coral recovery on the Great Barrier Reef.

[32] Rapid phase-shift reversal on a Jamaican coral reef. Idjadi, J.A., Lee, S.C., Bruno, J.F., Precht, W.F., Allen-Requa, L., Edmunds, P.J. (2010). Coral Reefs 29:785-789.

Example of coral cover regrowth over 15 years in Jamaica.

[33] Palau’s coral reefs show differential habitat recovery following the 1998 coral bleaching event. Golbuu, Y., Victor, S., Penland, L., Idip, D., Emaurois, C., Okaji, K., Yukihira, H., Iwase, A., van Woesik, R. (2007). Hydrobiologia 591:73-83. – Link

Example of recovery aided by marine protection in Palau.

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